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Maco (like "taco") grew up in Caracas, the Capital city of Venezuela. Having the opportunity to own instruments and be educated, Maco developed her taste for the loud and the distorted, at age fourteen. She has been playing guitar on and off since age fifteen. In addition, she has the ability to play percussive instruments including the drumset. After lots of changes in her life, Maco ended up in Ithaca, New York, where she is pursuing a career in art and graphic design.

musical influences
Lords of Acid
PJ Harvey
Kathleen Hanna
Nina Hagen
Dog Fashion Disco
The Doors
Rob Zombie/White Zombie
Sepultura (Brazil)
Soda Stereo (Argentina - no longer together)
Aterciopelados (Colombia)
Los Amigos Invisibles (Venezuela)
Mr. Downstairs
upcoming shows

March 26, 2005:: @ The Chapter House, Ithaca, NY with Kievan-Rus & Lotion. (showtime 9pm, $5 cover, special guest star, Mr. Willie B, on drums!! Barb will be back behind the skins in June.)
Our new live CD is ready and will be available at the show!! Thanks to the magic of Al Grunwell (engineer) at Fingerlakes Recording, www.FLREC.com, we are ready to release a volume that spans the entire history of The Witching.

past gigs...
site by live mind design