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order our debut CD
The Witching's debut album!!
Our debut self-titled CD is ready and waiting for you!! You can order a copy right here, right now, with any major credit card, via the magic of e-commerce and Paypal. Click the "Buy Now" icon below to satisfy your craving. Preview clips from the CD are available for your auditory pleasure. Get your red hot copy of this Witching album now! Cost is $13.00 plus $2.00 shipping & handling. If you have a deep and abiding aversion to Paypal, you can also order our CD and tons of other fine independent music from CDbaby.com!!

Order via Paypal
How to order by mail
The CD is $13, plus $2 to cover shipping costs. Please make a check or money order for $15.00 out to: All Night Records

Send to:
All Night Records
P.O. Box 662
Ithaca, NY 14851

Then, sit tight and wait for the ROCK to arrive at your door...
upcoming shows

March 26, 2005:: @ The Chapter House, Ithaca, NY with Kievan-Rus & Lotion. (showtime 9pm, $5 cover, special guest star, Mr. Willie B, on drums!! Barb will be back behind the skins in June.)
Our new live CD is ready and will be available at the show!! Thanks to the magic of Al Grunwell (engineer) at Fingerlakes Recording, www.FLREC.com, we are ready to release a volume that spans the entire history of The Witching.

past gigs...
site by live mind design